Bewerbungen Kunst

Das Programm für dieses Jahr ist komplett. Wir nehmen keine Bewerbungen mehr entgegen.

Was wir suchen

Wir sind auf der Suche nach eigenständigen, innovativen Shows mit sehr hoher Qualität aus den Bereichen:

  • Musik
  • visuelle Shows (Artistik, Comedy, Feuer, Theater, Tanz, Wasser, …)
  • Walking Acts
  • künstlerische Installationen

Nächste Festivals

Spettacolo findet alle zwei Jahre statt. Die Termine der nächsten Festivals sind voraussichtlich:

  • 14.-16. August 2026
  • 18.-20. August 2028

Keine Bewerbungen

In den vergangenen Jahren haben wir jeweils über 400 Bewerbungen erhalten. Dies bedeutet viel Aufwand für die sich anmeldenden Kunstschaffenden und bringt zusätzlich unsere ehrenamtliche Organisation an die Grenzen. Deshalb testen wir ein neues System: Wir schreiben das Festival dieses Mal nicht aus, es gibt keine öffentliche Bewerbung. Sondern wir fragen aussergewöhnliche Gruppen direkt und gezielt an. Wir danken für euer Verständnis.


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Wie unsere Acts Spettacolo finden?

Alapar (arg)

«We really had an amazing time in Brunnen. Was our first experience in this kind of festival and was very richful for us in every way. The organization was perfect, the place is incredible, the hotel is wonderful and the timing, staff, food, stages, etc was 10/10. Sincerely it is hard to think of something to improve, so keep doing it like this!»

Yldor Llach (cat)

«And last feedback, I think I should be part of the Spectaccolo Brunnen every year :)) I’m joking! I really enjoyed the overall experience. Your availability, the flexibility of the team, so reactive and postive… I mean, I strongly recomend this to any of my street performers friends.»

Billy Kidd (uk)

«I just want to say that I had a fantastic time performing in Brunnen. The shows were great, the audiences were lovely, the hotel and food was amazing! I hope to come back in the future. Thanks again for inviting me.»

Monsieur & die Dame am Klavier (d)

«Vielen Dank für die Einladung. Ein super organisiertes Festival mit lieben Menschen. Wir haben es genossen an solch einem wunderschönen Ort zu spielen!»

Tribubu Music (e, uk, civ)

«Thank you for having us Brunnen. it has been a hell of a weekend. We can’t wait to come back to this magical place.»

Mighty Mike (can)

«Just wanted to say this was an absolutely amazing time at Spettacolo Brunnen. I can’t believe how lovely the place is, I knew that Switzerland was beautiful and I saw the photos but when Gloria and I arrived to Brunnen we were just blown away. Most of all I had some of the best shows of my career thus far and I thank you for bringing me here!»

Anderscht (ch)

«Die Organisation und Infrastruktur war aus unser Sicht perfekt. Besser geht fast nicht mehr. Wir sind rundum glücklich, dass wir Spettacolo erleben durften.»

Sally & Hodman (uk)

«We had such a wonderful time in Brunnen. You should all be very very proud of yourselves for putting on such a fun, friendly and well organised festival. It wouldn’t have been the same without the dedication and passion that each member of the team brought to the table. It was a real joy to be a part of such a unique and memorable production.»

Nakuplelle (usa)

«Damn, is this one beautiful country. My eyes get lost in the clouds, the mountains, the greenery, the lakes. What an amazing place to hold a festival! Had great fun playing here and got to hang out with some good friends and fellow artists over three days.»

Fraser Hooper (uk/nz)

«I’ve just played a great festival in Brunnen Switzerland. Huge thanks to all the lovely people there that made it such a special weekend.»

Peter Mielniczek (uk/ire)

«I have been raving to everybody about how wonderful Spettacolo was. It has been one of my favourite festivals. Such a lovely group of people. Added to that the magical scenery, and it was beautiful.
You can be proud of a great success and so thank you again for all your work. The good energy of you reflects into the festival, and that is why this festival had such a special energy.»

Garaghty & Thom (uk)

«We can’t wait to come back – I sometimes dream about Brunnen!!»